8 December 2022
You can feel the force of their personality, all they have to do is enter the room and all eyes turn to them.
That’s because they are fully present. What this means is that their energy is grounded and completely here now.
They aren’t scattered. Their thoughts aren’t all over the place and their mind isn’t running a million miles and hour ticking over their to do lists.
No. They are here now and you feel the power of that and respond to that.

If you have low self worth you feel responsible for the needs of others. This means you are pulled in all directions.
Whatever someone needs you will try to give, at the expense of your self. You spread yourself so thin that there is hardly anything left of you.
That’s because your son has some of your energy, your daughter has some, you left some in the overflowing laundry baskets collecting dust, there’s some shoved into the chaotic pantry cupboards, your needy neighbour has some.
Everyone and everything is demanding your energy and you are giving it to them because you think this how you earn love and respect!
No. Your energy is meant for you first. Take time to cut the chords with everyone who is draining you of your vital life force and return to centre.
Honour that you are a being in your own right, stop worrying about everyone else and BE that being.
Love yourself enough to become you. Become present.
If you need help with cutting chords try this powerful prayer.
‘Guardian Angel Michael,
Please cut the chords with those that bind me. Please release any energy that is not mine and return all energy that is mine cleansed and purified.
Thank you for your love’

If you need some help with energy blockages that keep you in patterns of overgiving and not honouring your own energy please reach out.
If you'd like to work with me to heal physically or emotionally please reach out.
Choose the service that best suits you
A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing

A) Health Consult
Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing
Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.
If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, for simple spirituality and healing,
Sending you love and light
xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through
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