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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

What is freedom?

14 June 2023

On Monday in Australia we all had a public holiday to mark the new King’s birthday.

I don’t think many people were consciously thinking of the King, most were probably just enjoying the rare moment of freedom they had away from the daily grind.

This day reminded me to question what freedom is, and to think about how we truly attain it.

Freedom is sovereignty


The dictionary defines it as a supreme ruler, especially a monarch or as possessing supreme or ultimate power.

Just a month ago millions of people worldwide tuned in to see the new King of England’s coronation. This man who was not elected to govern, yet rules over an entire nation, dressed in robes and riches, with gold trinkets and symbols.

People all over the world watched. The way energy works is that whatever we turn our focus to, is fed energy. People who are supporters of the monarch, as well as those who are opposed tuned in to watch the spectacle, and I’m sure it didn’t disappoint.

Even those who say “I’m not a supporter of the royal family, but it’s a once in a lifetime event, or it’s educational for the kids etc” are missing the point.

Whether you are sending this event and this construct respect, admiration, sentimentality, pride or hatred, disapproval, frustration or anger you are still sending it energy.

What makes those in power powerful?

How do those who are powerful become powerful? You may say they have lots of wealth or influence or a long line of family authority etc. The truth is these people or institutions are powerful because they are full of power.

Where did they get this power?

They got it from you! Yes the people who are constantly tuning into them are actively sending them their energy to power their version of events.

If you are not in favour of the outcomes that they are wanting to manifest, why would you do that?

We are at a time in history where the energy is rising.

When we say the energy is rising, we mean consciousness is rising. Humans are beginning to experience greater awareness to the power and value of their own energy.

When you learn to honour your own energy you will no longer be interested in allowing others to use and abuse it.

You no longer allow others to control you through the exploitation of your own energy. In order to become sovereign and experience freedom, you need to become responsible for your own energy and in fact you need to learn to master your own energy.

With the rise in consciousness we are moving towards New Earth

In New Earth there will be no rulers. Each human will govern themselves. This cannot be comprehended in the 3d realm. How can there be no government? Surely there would be mayhem?


It is etymologically originated from the ancient Latin language. It Splits into two words: 1) (guvernare) meaning “to control” and 2) (mens or mentis) meaning “mind”. SO GOVERNMENT MEANS “TO CONTROL THE MIND”

There won’t be chaos in New Earth, and there will be no government needed. This is because to be a part of New Earth you need to have mastered your own energy. When you have mastered your own energy there is no need of anyone to master you, because you will be the master.

How to gain Self control you ask?

It is hard to control yourself if you ignore parts of yourself. When you are ashamed of parts of your character, when you hide those bits of you in the shadows and won’t look at them, when you refuse to acknowledge all that you are, you don’t even know yourself. If you do not know the depths of your own soul, then how can you master those pieces?

You will find that love is the one and true way to integrate those parts of yourself

Hurt people hurt people. If you want to stop the cycle of abuse on this planet it must start with you. You must welcome any parts of your being that are in need. The broken bits, the shameful bits, the ignorant bits, those hurt and small parts.

Only through shining a light on these parts can darkness be overcome

It is obvious that if you do not turn on a light when you enter a dark room and prepare to walk down steep stairs you will trip over and bump into many things. You will hurt yourself. But as soon as you turn the light on those pieces of furniture and rolled up carpets can easily be steeped over.

It is time to stop tripping around in the dark and turn on the light of consciousness to illuminate everything in your path.


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xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted spiritual coach whose purpose is to guide and support you in rising from the ashes of trauma and low self worth to be reborn. Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through

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