31 July 2021
The Lion’s Gate Portal is open! This powerful energy culminates on the 8th August, the 8th day of the 8th month (88), with the alignment of Sirius, aligning with our planetary Sun in the sign of Leo. This gateway is open from around the 26th July and culminates to reach full strength on Sunday next week.

The lions gate peaks on the 8th day of the 8th month
The angel number 88 is a number with a powerful vibration. This number signifies eternity, higher consciousness, achievement, progress, abundance and success. It is also the number of karma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. In other words we are progressing from one stage to another as we move through this portal. All that we have put in will be acknowledged and in the same way through the law of cause and effect all we have failed to deal with will also come to light for us. The law of cause and effect states that every action has a reaction, and in this way we reap what we have sown. While the Lions gate Portal happens every year, 2021 is extra special as it happens to coincide with the Leo New Moon. Having a New Moon can amplify the energy of the portal, turbo-charging its effects and our ability to manifest.

Sirius, the brightest star in our sky is part of the Canis Major constellation
Sirius, our spiritual Sun illuminates truth
The planetary Sun illuminates physical Earth but what we perceive as reality is an illusion. Sirius, known as our spiritual sun illuminates spirit and shines a light on what is true and when it aligns with our planetary Sun we get a strong influx of cosmic light. Ancient people revered Sirius and believe it to be the home of higher vibrational beings and it is associated with Egyptian deities Nepthys, Isis, Anubis and Thoth. In ancient Egypt the pyramids are built to align with the rise of Sirius and are said to be amplifiers to connect to this high vibrational energy when the Nile floods during this period and the Sphinx (lion) aligns with Sirius in the sign of Leo. There are light shafts within the Great pyramid at Giza that on this date allow the light of the sun to align with Sirius to fall upon the ‘stone of God’ at the upper end of the great gallery where the priest would sit to absorb this light and impart it to the people.

The Sphinx and Pyramid at Giza
What emotions are being illuminated for you?
You are probably already aware of this intense wave of heightened light and energy that is streaming in right now. Although we associate light and increased frequency with positive experience it can also stir up suppressed emotions in us and leave us feeling quite frazzled and chaotic. This is because as light streams it illuminates all that is hiding in the shadows. All those feelings we suppress or belief systems we hold on to that don’t serve our growth, and any pain or trauma that has gone unhealed will be illuminated now. This is not a punishment but rather so we can see it and clear it. Take time to practice self-care during this period. Look closely at everything that is rising up for you. What emotions are you having? Are these nourishing and beautiful for you as a soul or is it time to clear them now? It is so important to acknowledge them and not to force them down and cover them over again because this old poison is toxic and starts to seep out into every area of your life.
We do not grow in a straight line but spiral upwards
For me I have had familiar patterns come up, old lessons that I thought were well and truly dealt with. The truth is we do not grow in straight line, rather we spiral upwards through our lessons to grow. What this means is the wheel will turn and the old familiar lesson will present itself again to test us. Each time we work through this spiral we will be triggered less and less by the lesson. I have noticed how much stronger I am and better able to deal with these challenges. For me I had my boundaries tested again by the Universe to see if there was any residual trigger for me in that lesson. I suffered a lot of abuse as a child and it left me feeling unsafe in my body and at my core that I didn’t matter, that other people were more important than me and that I needed to look after their needs first above my own. This trauma left me with no self esteem or self love and I would continue to perpetuate this cycle with repeated patterns throughout my life, manifesting people who would abuse me, not honour my energy and discount me. I would repeatedly give too much of my energy to the point of being completely depleted. I didn’t understand it at the time but this coping mechanism was because I hoped that through my actions I would ensure that I would be looked after. I would be so good to other people so I could earn the title of being a good person and be validated by another. I would over give until I had been sucked dry and when I had nothing left I would become useless and so be cast out while the abuser would turn to another source to get what they needed.

We are each a spark of Divine consciousness
It took me many years of working through my trauma and slowly growing to learn that I didn’t need to prove myself to anyone or do anything to become a good and worthy person because I already am. We are each and every single one of us equal, no single being more worthy than another because each one of us is a spark of the divine consciousness. There is no need to compromise on your personal beliefs or to loosen your boundaries to ‘assist’ another. There are no gold stars for doing this, in fact Guardian angel Michael explains that this ‘over giving’ is looked at in the same manner as ‘overtaking’ because it is imbalance and what the universe desires is for us to come into perfect balance. When we over give we are actually abusing the Spirit of the Divine within us, diminishing it and relegating it less important than the Spirit of the Divine in another, which of course makes no sense. How can one spark of the Divine be more worthy than another? They are one, and therefore we are one. We need to become centred so the flow of the Holy Spirit can move through us as a pure channel, a bridge between Heaven and Earth. When we are asked to do this we are really been asked by Spirit if we are strong enough to stand in our beliefs and to set our boundaries and honour the spark of divinity within us.

The winged Lion by Hosny Quanadelo
Set the past on fire, together we can ascend
In meditation I was shown two winged lions. Passing through them I was shown myself walking with my spirit guide hand in hand. I received these beautiful words ‘Set the past on fire, together we can take it higher’. These words are from the song ‘Together’ by Sia. We are being given a powerful opportunity to pass through the Lions Gate portal and we don’t need to do this alone. The angels are clearly stating together we are able to raise our vibration collectively and as individuals when we connect with our spirit guides and the Holy Spirit and ask for assistance.
I often get communication from the angels in the form of a phrase from a song and I always enjoy listening to it afterwards to learn more. This week this phrase in this song also resonated with me ‘I see you're frightened, I can see the lion sleeps tonight in the tears you're crying’ in reference to the Lions Gate. It is time to let go of the past and to ascend higher together, with the assistance and love available to us in the spiritual realm right now.
‘Together’ by Sia
I can hear the thunder Comin' from your mouth and I know my number's up Give me some Stevie Wonder Quick, put it on before we go under I can see the lightning Coming from your ears, yeah, I see you're frightened I can see the lion sleeps tonight in the tears you're crying
Can't love me unless you love you too Treat yourself like nothin' but a fool Can't love me unless you love you too Love you too
Come now, set the past on fire Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love Together, we can take it higher
Together, we can take it higher Come now, set the past on fire Stand up, raise your face to the sky, my love Together, we can take it higher Together, we can take it higher
I can see the rainbow Coming from your heart and it's all okay so Come now, see you're my angel Say "bye" to the past, "hello" to tomorrow
I am so grateful to Spirit for sharing the beautiful wisdom of this with us right now. It is time to truly love yourself, as the song explains ‘Can’t love me, unless you love you too’. It is time to rise up and be the true being of flame and light of love that you are. Let’s do it together.
Celebrate Lions Gate with a discount for healings

If you feel you would like some help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages please reach out. To celebrate the Lions gate portal I am offering a 20% discount on an energy healing session. This discount means an energy healing session will cost just $80 instead of $100. This offer is valid for two weeks from 1 August until the 15 August and can be booked through my website and please mention Lions gate. www.theflamekeeper.com.au
With my love always
x Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through
#lionsgate #lionsgateportal #sirus #spiritualsun #seaford #energyhealing #energyhealer #energyportal #ascension #newearth #flamekeeper #energycleansing #energyhealing #raiseyourvibration #spiritualgrowth #spiritualcounseling #selfworth #selfesteem #selflove