18 DEC 2020
On Monday Dec 21st, we are entering a divine energetic gateway. This day marks not only the summer solstice but also the long anticipated celestial event known as the Great Conjunction. This rare event which is the alignment of Saturn and Jupiter takes place every 20 years but what makes this occasion so special is that they are meeting with just 0.1 degrees of separation, the closest they have been for over 800 years. As they shift into the sign of Aquarius they mark a shift in ages which begins a 200 year cycle, heralding the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. This event offers an energetic gateway and an increase of high vibrational light is being made available to you.
On Dec 21st Saturn and Jupiter align so closely they appear as a single star known as the 'Star of Bethlehem'
So how do we best prepare ourselves to access these energies?
At this time it is important to cleanse to make room for higher energy to enter in. To help with this I have made a list of some of my favourite ways to cleanse and raise my vibration in order to be able to access the new.
Top tips to cleanse and raise your energy:
1. Cleanse your energy and your space by smudging with sage or palo santo
2. Take a detoxing Epson salts bath with essential oils
3. Drink 12 glasses of filtered water with half a lemon added to each
4. Eat high vibrational living fruits and vegetables
5. Clear out the old by rid of material clutter and debris
6. Spend time in nature to raise your vibration
7. Listen to high vibrational music at 528hz
8. Be creative doing things that make you happy to raise your vibration
9. Examine old emotional patterns and beliefs to let go of what no longer serves you
10. Daily cut the energetic chords of attachment to low vibrational people and relationships
11. Invoke the Violet Flame to burn away any lower energies, implants, or programing
12. Meditate daily with roses or rose essential oil which is very high vibrational
13. Use crystals like Rose Quartz or Morganite to connect with the frequency of love
14. If you feel called to do so attend an Energy healing session with a professional practioner
On the night of Dec 21 at 9.02pm (NT time-10.32pm Vic time) Aboriginal elders will be conducting a special activation ceremony at Uluru and they have called for assistance from spiritual communities around Australia to join them in mass meditation to send the Earth love and usher in the highest divine timeline for Earth and humanity. You are encouraged to join in this beautiful event from wherever you are.
I am also hosting a small gathering prior to this meditation at 8PM 21 DEC SEAFORD VIC and we will join the meditation if you would like to be part of divine fellowship at this time. This will be an evening of sacred fellowship, food and ceremony before we join the mass meditation for the Uluru Activation ceremony. If you are interested in attending I have attached some info below and tickets can be booked here: https://www.theflamekeeper.com.au/events
This celestial event is one which I have eagerly anticipated for many months. The archangels have said that as more high vibrational light streams in an entirely new library of possibilities are made available to us in the New Earth.
Wherever you choose to be for this divine gateway I wish you love, joy and light on your souls journey.
X Nicoleen
The Flamekeeper, Energy Healer and Spiritual Coach
Program for the evening:
8pm: Gathering at 4 Beckwith Grove, Seaford
8.30pm: Welcoming and light and nourishing gluten free and vegan picnic provided
9-9.30pm: Presentation on the Great Conjunction by Nicoleen, the Flamekeeper
9.30-10pm: Cleansing ritual
10-10.30pm: Uluru red dirt ritual and channelling by Heidi Lockhart from Healing Wings
10.34-11pm: Join synchronised silent mass New Earth meditation at the time of the Uluru Activation Ceremony
Tickets are $40 per person. Please book ahead through the events page on https://www.theflamekeeper.com.au/events
Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment though www.theflamekeeper.com.au
Heidi Lockhart is a renowned and highly connected Psychic, healer and meditation teacher. Since the activation of her light language at Uluru she brings forth visionary downloads and works closely with her Aboriginal and shamanic spirit guides. She offers reiki healings and psychic readings by appointment through HealingWingsAustralia.com.au
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