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The Spiritual Tsunami of the Neptune Jupiter Conjunction

Writer's picture: Nicoleen AgnelloNicoleen Agnello

10 april 22

On Monday, 12 April we will experience a once in a lifetime event as Jupiter and Neptune meet in the sign of Pisces. You will not get another opportunity to witness this as although Jupiter and Neptune conjunct every 13 years they will not meet in Pisces for another 166 years!

Jupiter is the planet of expansion so whatever it conjuncts (closely aligns with) is amplified so to understand how this incoming energy is going to affect us lets take a closer look at the energy of Pisces and Neptune.

“The etiquette of drowning” by Nicoleen Agnello

Pisces symbolises water and emotions

Pisces is a water sign. It’s energy strengthens emotions, empathy, dreams and devotion and is the sign of the mystic. We must remember that all energies have both a lower and higher polarity and so and be used for positive or negative purposes. Boosted by Jupiter in the low vibration there is a risk that if you are not dealing with painful emotions as they arise you may find yourself drowning in them. Always remember to ask for help if you are struggling.

When we add Jupiter to Pisces we get expansion of water. This can often manifest in the physical as issues to do with water. Floods are very common with this energy as we have recently experienced in the Northern Rivers. Whilst these energies peak in April we have been feeling the effects of them since March. Geo engineering has been used to manifest this energy in a very overt way over the past month and there is a chance this will continue with the east coast of Australia being a target for smart cities. I hope that we move on to experience other ways that this energy is playing out.

Spiritual Tsunami

The wave of energy created by Neptune and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces is so strong that it has the potential to sweep away all our preconceptions and reveal a higher truth to us and even create a collective awakening. It is a significant energetic tipping point and will change the way we see the world moving forward. In it’s highest form it can be hugely unifying as we are experiencing. Covid has been a massively divisive event which separated people but the floods have been an incredibly unifying event which have brought people back together to remember their common humanity. Allow this energy to wash away all that no longer serves to prepare for the New Earth. In its highest vibration this energy has the potential to unify, bring peace, joy and create community.

Neptune symbolises dreams and visions

The planet Neptune holds the energy of dreams, creativity and visions. In the lower vibration this can be used to create illusion, lies, deceit and mass hypnosis. In the higher vibrations Jupiters expansion of this energy has the potential to reveal these illusions and lies that have been used to enslave human consciousness. Neptune also rules over drugs, pharmaceuticals and substance abuse so we could see some big news coming to light regarding Covid at this time. In the lower vibration we could see people who are struggling with their emotions turn to alcohol or drugs to mask them. Neptune also governs fuel so it is no surprise that we experienced inflation to petrol prices during March. This could have a flow on effect to inflate all items that are distributed, such a food and goods.

In it’s highest vibration Neptune in Pisces offers us a sacred energy to connect with the divine and ethereal. Both Neptune and Pisces are devotional and Jupiter amplifies this so this energy has the power to dissolve ego and connect us to a higher power. We could find we are searching for more spiritual meaning at this time. This energy also has the potential to help us attune to our phychic senses and increase empathy and spiritual gifts if we work with it. Jupiter is visionary and future orientated so right now we are encouraged to dream big! Creativity is highly supported right now so take time to explore art, music, poetry or creative expression.

The energy forecast from May onwards becomes a lot more revolutionary, and chaotic and full of change. Spiritual awakenings are not an easy ride so we can expect some turmoil as traumas are purged and illusions revealed moving forward.

There are many ways we can connect with this energy and make the most of what is on offer to us.

Ten ways to work with this energy:

1.Work with Herbs:

Mugwort:(Artemisia vulgaris)

In the high polarity Jupiter conjunct Neptune helps us to tune in to our psychic senses. Work with this energy by enjoying a cup of Mugwort tea, a herb that helps us to open our third eye and connect to our visions and dreams. You can also ward off psychic attacks by placing mugwort under your pillow before you sleep.

Mugwort is a tall herbaceous perennial belonging to the daisy family. Grows up to 1.5 meters with dark grey-green leaves with silvery grey fuzz on underside, with erect stems showing a purple tinge to them. ‘Wort’ means useful plant, other common names are chrysanthemum weed or wormwood. The name ‘mugwort’ is said to come from the tradition of using it to flavour drinks since the Iron Age.

2. Work with food:


In the low polarity Jupiter conjunct Neptune has the potential to expand confusion, lies and illusion, making it hard to know who or what to trust. Apricots help us to connect to our intuition, enabling us to open our heart and trust when we need to and also know when we need to put up our guard. They are best eaten after 3pm which is when they are the most bioactive and assimiable. (Choose sulphite free dried apricots.)


In the low polarity Jupiter conjunct Neptune has the potential to expand negative and traumatic emotions. Avocados are a powerful tool to assist us when dealing with feelings of guilt, shame and remorse. Avocados are the closest nutritional substance to mothers milk and fortify us with emotional strength and also help teach us unconditional love, the high polarity of this Neptune Jupiter conjunction. This helps us not only nuture ourselves but also have the strength to teach others who are needy, aggressive or destructive.


For those suffering from repetitive low emotions, thoughts and trauma bananas are a very healing food. Three or more a day helps treat PTSD.

3. Work with crystals:


helps you harness the power of your third eye (pineal gland) strengthening intuition and psychic abilities.It’s also helpful to shift perspectives, boost creativity and protect you from negativity.


Protects against psychic attack. It also relieves stress, sadness and grief and enhances intuition.

4. Connect to the Divine:

Pray and meditate to expand your spiritual gifts and practice working with your intuition.

5. Be Creative:

Launch new creative projects and be inspired by the beauty around you.

6. Be of service:

Recognize the universal oneness in all, we are all connected. Ask how you can be of service to another. Forgive those who are not ready to recognise this connection and engage in negative and destructive behaviour.

7. Energy healing:

If you find you are struggling with dense emotions and need help releasing them energy healing can help. Please contact me here to find out more or to book a healing session with me in person or remotely.

8. Dream journal:

Neptune holds the energy of dreams and visions and with Jupiter conjunct this is boosted right now. Before sleeping you can connect with the Angel of dreams if you need guidance. Upon waking write down your dreams and investigate any symbolism. I find auntyflo a useful resource.

9. Shielding:

Ask Archangel Michael to shield you in his protective cloak of love so you do not absorb negativity from those who are purging dense emotions but remain grounded in love.

10. Water:

In the low polarity Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces have the potential to create floods so do what you can to prepare your home and stock up on provisions. In the high polarity connecting to water by walking on the beach or swimming can help you to recharge. It is also helpful to rehydrate with lemon water to help your body to detox.

I hope you find this helpful and that you ride the powerful wave of light made possible through the conjunction of Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces with joy and ease. If you would like some assistance on your healing journey you can connect with me below.

Choose the service that best suits you

A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing


A) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you are interested in learning more about spiritual traditions and daily spiritual practices please sign up to my blog here or join me on facebook or instagram.

Sending you love and light

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through



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