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The Space Between

Writer's picture: Nicoleen AgnelloNicoleen Agnello

15 March 2023

As we approach the Equinox on March 21 we find ourselves in limbo, or liminal space. We are in the gap between what has been, and what will be. I spent five years living in London and I will always remember the London tubes, and the instruction to ‘mind the gap’. It’s that gap we are in now, and how we respond to it has a huge impact on the environment we will find ourselves stepping into.

Today I share with you insights for how to travel through this time comfortably and make the most of what the Equinox has to offer.


The word liminal comes from the word limbo, meaning on the edge or threshold in Latin. As you move through this space, can you do so gracefully, or are you being fearful? I find it interesting that the Catholic faith chooses to assign all souls who die with original sin to limbo, the edge of hell, purgatory. Sure they are in a waiting room, but equally they can choose to walk through door B and enter the heavenly realm!

In this waiting room, as usual it is your energy that will dictate the outcome of your next step forward. Will you be stepping towards greater fear, which leads to evil, the inversion of live, E V I L or L I V E spelled backwards, or will you step forward with love? The choice is yours.

What is liminal space?

Liminal space it defined as any transition space. For example a hallway, a waiting room or an airport departure lounge are all examples of physical liminal space. Liminal space can also be emotional or energetic, Eg: we are in liminal space when we are in the middle of a divorce or moving house. We are in liminal space when we are struggling to make a decision.

We can also experience this space energetically, as we have outgrown one thing and are beginning to redefine ourselves but we haven’t quite figured out who we are becoming yet. This happens when we outgrow something, the people, places and things we used to enjoy no longer hold any fascination for us. We know we want more but we aren’t sure what that is, or what it looks like for us.

It’s unsettling not to have control

These feelings can be very troubling for us. As humans we love to control outcomes. We like to know where we are headed, and being in limbo can be deeply unsettling. It can cause us a lot of anxiety as humans don’t like unpredictability.

If we have been through trauma this can be particularly difficult for us. With trauma we learn not to trust. We learn that the world is a dangerous place and that we need to look after ourselves, it’s me against the world, nobody is coming to rescue me, and danger lurks outside the door.

To compensate for this, we try to control as much as we can in our lives. We become fearful of change because it brings with it things and situations we can’t forsee, and therefore can’t control. Trauma teaches us that when you can’t control a situation, you are vulnerable.

The higher perspective on Liminal space

This is the fearful approach to liminal space and it is perfectly understandable to feel this way, but if you can look at it from a higher perspective you can become comfortable with change. These spaces between what was and what will be are actually fertile grounds that hold much power of transformation and growth for us.

The zero point field

In meditation we try to enter this space, the nothing, the zero point field as we know it to be the place where infinite possibility resides. The stillness, the gap between words. The nothing, is where everything that has been created and that will be created comes from.

The other day I was walking along the waters edge where the sea lapped the sand, there was a thick sea mist and the surrounding headland and bush was shrouded in delicious mystery. As I walked the beach I was told ‘you are in liminal space’. I came to understand that is what this period we find ourselves in as humanity represents.

Endings and beginnings

In this time as we approach the March Equinox and the balancing of the earth’s fields we are on the edge. We are ending the astrological year, and beginning the new year, a period of transition from what was, to what will be. There is great power in this time and so I wanted to share some insights with you about how to use to make the most of this energy.

With the New Moon falling on the Equinox this is a heightened time of manifestation.

You are limited by only your imagination.

Manifesting from Fear or Love?

When I was little I used to love Enid Blyton books, and this time reminds me very strongly of the ‘Faraway Tree’. Each time you climbed the tree to the very top there would be a new and completely different world. We have that opportunity now. We are all creating the world we will step into. Some will step into New Earth while others will continue to choose the path of fear. What will you manifest?

With the powerful energy shift of Saturn into Pisces which we will be working with for the next 3 years there will be many upheavals. Saturn which represents division, top down structure, government, large corporate structures such as finance, media etc will be going head to head with the flowing, united, spiritual and sometimes delusional and gullible energy of Pisces, and this is going to cause some turbulence for all of us.

Dissolving of the old

The old structures will be washed away and we will all find ourselves needing to completely rebuild our world from the ground up. Although this can be frightening, remember it is for the highest good of all to remove structures and governance that is not serving but rather controlling humanity.

We have had a taste of it with the insolvency of the second largest bank failure, Silicon Valley bank declaring insolvency just a few days ago, with many believing this is just the tip of the iceberg with more collapse to come.

Solvent: the liquid in which a solute is dissolved to form a solution.

It’s so interesting to see this physical manifestation of Saturn energy represented by the bank, being dissolved in the watery energy of Pisces.

Surrender and trust

The key to navigating luminal space as we find ourselves at ground zero over the next 3 years is actually surrender. When we can’t control outcomes we need to surrender them to a higher power and trust.

I had this teaching first hand during 2020 Covid lockdowns in Melbourne. I was deeply angered and troubled by what I experienced in Melbourne. I did not think it was ok to lock people in the homes for 2 years. I did not think that it was ok to have a 5km radius leash like a puppy from my house, to close all shops and restaurants, all schools, no socialising at all, only one hour of excerise a day with one other person, all parks closed, drones surveying us, armoured vechicles roaming the streets and curfew. None of this was I ok with! I tried to warn others, to question the narrative, to post things on social media to wake people up.

When I finally tuned in and asked my guides what was going on I was told ‘you don’t trust!’ I immediately responded of course I don’t trust! I don’t trust this nazi government to be looking out for my best interests. I don’t trust that they have good intentions, how can I trust them!

The Divine plan

The response was,’no, you don’t trust’. When I leaned into this I understood. I don’t trust that the universe is looking out for me. I don’t trust that God’s hand of protection is over me, I don’t trust that I am going to be ok. I was also told there is a divine plan. It was when I was able to surrender to this and accept that I was going to be ok no matter what, that I was able to shift!

Surrender unto Grace and know that all is well

That is the challenge and the opportunity we have all been given right now. Can we trust and surrender to Divine will, knowing that everything that happens is part of the Divine plan and let go of all fear?

‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’.

Jeremiah 29:11

A time of healing

Now is the ideal time to do inner child work and release old traumas which have been holding you back.

If you are ready to work through energy blockages and release trauma reach out for an energy healing session, or email me to arrange a free call to chat about how personalised spiritual coaching to release trauma and rebuild self worth could help you.


A) The Phoenix Program

Are you struggling to heal trauma and low self worth? The Phoenix Program is Personal one on one Spiritual Coaching built around your needs, encompassing energy healing, spiritual coaching, angelic guidance and physical healing through Medical Medium.

B) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

C) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, for simple spirituality and healing,

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xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted spiritual coach whose purpose is to guide and support you in rising from the ashes of trauma and low self worth to be reborn. Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through



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