17 August 2023
Have you been feeling stressed out and frazzled even more than usual lately? I know I certainly have, and it’s really all linked to the Lions Gate influx of energy we all experienced last week.
All that high frequency flooding in can actually be quite challenging for our nervous systems. Perhaps you’ve heard that we are at a time in our spiritual evolution where we are making a giant leap forward. The shift from a dense 3d matter body to 5d consciousness requires restructuring, which is taxing on the nervous sytem.

I’ve had the most terrible neurological fatigue all week, something I haven’t experienced since I was severely ill and bed bound for ten years which I came out of in 2019. My arms and legs feel like cement and my mind is all over the place and so today I want to share with you a few helpful tips to soothe your neurological system!
Let’s face it, our bodies could all do with some support because in this fast paced world, it seems like every deadline is yesterday!
To Do List less of a list, and more of a novel?
You are constantly running on adrenaline! That glorious rocket fuel, adrenaline, there to propel you through everyday life threatening situations, like say… a lion attack.
I definitely feel like I’ve been attacked by a lion, the astrological kind! What’s wrong with us? Everyday 99% of the world are rushing around like their pants are on fire, not a lion in suburban sight!
Anxiety is living in the mind
If you’re feeling stressed and anxious it’s a sign that you are living in your mind, and not in the present! Our mind wants to think and to project and get anxious about what may happen to us in the future, what may go wrong. It wants to reminisce and dwell on all the traumas of the past.
Your power is in being present
When we are stuck in these cycles we are not living in the present moment, and have lost our power. Our power is here and now, we don’t have control over anything else.
Our mind is a wonderful tool but it’s not meant to be the ruler of our body. Unfortunately so many people are stuck in fight or flight response, addicted to adrenaline.
Sustained Adrenaline is actually toxic to the body. It damages organs at the same time as feeding viruses in our body. Long term adrenaline dependency leads to adrenal gland dysfunction and eventual burnout, causing adrenal fatigue.

My favourite supplements for soothing the neurological system
Vimergy B12: bolsters and protects the brain and central nervous system. This B12 contains electrolytes, which help protect and restore brain tissue.
Vimergy Adapto B complex: supports your mental and physical energy and stamina, mood and cognitive function, and stress.
Lemon balm: calms the nerves and relieves stress and tension.
Vimergy Magnesium Glycinate: supports the brain and nervous system and calm the adrenals.
Vimergy Gaba: a neurotransmitter or chemical messenger in the brain. Calms the nervous system.
Physical reasons for panic and anxiety
There are also physical reasons for panic and anxiety which should not be overlooked. When there is systemic low grade viruses in the body, high toxin load from your environment, poor food or lifestyle choices, and insufficient hydration in the body, the liver becomes overburdened. When the liver reaches saturation point it is forced to dump toxins back in the blood stream, causing you anxiety. If you are experiencing health symptoms like migraines, aches, stiffness and fatigue along with anxiety it’s important to look for a viral cause. You can reach out to me for help with healing these naturally here with medical medium protocols.

Courage Lion heart
Right now we are in Leo season, a time of the year where the sun moves through the sign of Leo, activating Leo energy. All our recent astrological events, Lions Gate on 8 August and the Leo New moon, 16 August have been magnifying this energy. Read about the Lions Gate: https://www.theflamekeeper.com.au/post/lions-gate-portal
Leo energy is heart centred. It’s about courage to be who you authentically are. It’s about moving from your head and into your heart!
The Heart is more powerful than the brain
Did you know the electromagnetic field of the heart is 5000 times greater than the brain’s! The heart is the natural ruler of the body, but in this patriarchal, action led society we have been taught to let the brain lead.
When the parasympathetic (governing rest and quiet) and the sympathetic system (fight or flight) are out of sync from anger or anxiety this produces an erratic incoherent state in the body. I see this energy as spiky, like shards of glass, it can’t regulate. This is what I withdraw from the body during an energy healing. Positive emotions such as self compassion generate a harmonious pattern in the heart’s rhythm, leading to coherence and among the body’s systems. These emotions actually help our organs to function smoothly! In this calmer state we can focus, and make better choices.
It’s time to let your heart lead.
Book a medical medium consult with me if you are struggling with anxiety, depression or panic attacks or have a chronic or mystery health condition that you are struggling with here. Book a FREE Breakthrough coaching call with me here. I’m here to empower you to get clarity around what is holding you back, and build a roadmap for you, so you can achieve a life of confidence and fulfilment that you so richly deserve.
xxx Nicoleen

A) The Phoenix Program
Are you struggling to heal trauma and low self worth? The Phoenix Program is Personal one on one Spiritual Coaching built around your needs, encompassing energy healing, spiritual coaching, angelic guidance and physical healing through Medical Medium.

B) Health Consult
Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

C) Energy Healing
Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.
If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, to heal trauma and rebuild self worth,
xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper. She is an empath empowerment coach who is here to help you transform trauma into rocket fuel for your soul! Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through www.theflamekeeper.com.au
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