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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

Take back your Power

9 January 2022

Happy new year everyone! 2023 is an auspicious year, a year of healing. This year many people will feel inspired to connect the dots between mind, body and spirit. It is my intent to empower as many souls as possible to return to the path of love and today my message is ‘how to take back your power’.

New Year, New Me

If you’d like to move forward powerfully in this fresh new year, I have a special gift for you,

$50 off an energy healing session with me (full price $150). Please state 'NEW YEAR NEW ME' in your email when booking and CONTACT ME HERE TO USE THIS VOUCHER.

Voucher valid for the month of Jan.

This week I was privileged to share a workshop at the Starlight festival in Byron bay, a long running spiritual festival which brings together conscious creators and seekers for a four day immersion into growth and healing.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and welcome to the new members of our community! If you would like to forge like minded connections, I invite you to JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP 'I AM HEALING' where everyone is welcome to share and inspire each other.

Challenging global events can leave you feeling powerless

We may sometimes feel like a tiny speck on a giant Earth, questioning what possible power we could have to stand against the powerful institutions in the world.

The truth is each and every one of us is a powerful being, because we are all individual sparks of pure consciousness from Divine Source. If you are feeling powerless I want you to know that you can reclaim your power through radical responsibility for your energy.

As with all energy, Power cannot be destroyed, it merely changes form. Powerful institutions or powerful people are full of power as the word suggests because the power they contain is YOUR power. At any time you can withdraw that power.

Why would someone give their power away?

• Playing victim: They can point to outside events and say ‘what can I do?’ They recieve PITY.

No Accountability: It’s not your fault, it’s someone else’s.

• Alignment: At some time you supported the ideaology that now seeks to repress you.

• Teachers & lessons: All consciousness, the darkness and the light work together to teach us. Souls learn through trauma.

Moving from Age of Darkness to Age of Light

You have probably heard that we are at the end of a cycle, we are moving from the Kali Yuga into the Satya Yuga. We are moving out of darkness into light. Light is consciousness. We are moving out of unconsciousness into consciousness, moving from from 3d to 5d.

We are in the time of the split, between the old earth and the new earth. There is no longer anytime to try and wake people up. The soul is choosing their path through frequency.

The old systems and old powers are crumbling

If a skyscrapers foundations are damaged you can’t start rebuilding the top floors and move back in. The structures that are rotten to the core must be raised to the ground so we can rebuild from a firm foundation. Soon we will have a blank canvass to create what we dream of!

Examine your energy closely

Do you choose the path of Love or the path of Fear? The mind can be very tricky. It’s easy to deceive others and even yourself so it’s very important to examine your energy closely at this time.

It’s time to take radical responsibility for your Energy

• Same action with diff energy = diff results:

EG: ‘I’m going offgrid.’ Examine the energy propelling this decision. Is it fear or love? Fearful actions result in more to fear, love actions result in more to love. External choice is irrevellant, what matters is your ENERGY!

• Another's energy cannot stuff up your reality:

Two people in the same house, experiencing the same event yet embodying different energy, experience it in radically different ways. Only your energy is reflected in your personal reality.

• All events are neutral:

No matter how jarring or dark the event may seem, all events are actually neutral. We experience them through the energy and emotion we attach to them. Change your energy to experience an event differently.

• All events are part of the Divine plan:

The Universe is always in control, always! All things work together for the evolution and greater good of all.

• Everything is happening for you, not to you:

Every challenge holds great opportunity and gifts for growth, this is something I have learnt personally through 10 years of chronic illness, disability and near death and coming though the other side to be reborn! If you would like some help working through trauma talk to me about my spiritual coaching package, the PHOENIX PROGRAM here.

• Build your trust to build energy for the New Earth:

Trust is an important resource for us as we continue to move through the collapse of the old.

• The world is a mirror:

Your world is a reflection of your energy. If you want the world to appear differently, you must change yourself.

• Take responsibility for your Being, not just your doing:

Each one of us has a powerful effect on the world around us, not through what we are DOING, but through our BEING. You are responsible for the energy you bring to whatever you do.

• The Torrus:

Everything has a torroidal energy field; people, trees, the earth etc. An exchange of electromagnetic energy produced by the heart occurs when people are in close proximity of one another. What energy are you pumping into the heart grid?

• Energy blockages cause disease, counter manifesting and chaos:

If you go through trauma and you struggle to process it at the time you repress it, you store it in your system. Clear energy blockages and stop negatively affecting your world and the collective. BOOK AN ENERGY HEALING HERE

• Become more present, don’t scatter your energy:

Energy scatters when it’s pulled in different directions. Becoming more present makes recalls all your energy to one point making you more powerful.

• Become the eye of the storm, just observe:

Ground and centre yourself daily. Sit in the quiet eye of the storm and don’t get swept up into the emotional chaos.

• BEING in your power, Embracing Sovereignty:

- Choose who you are being, it will be the reflection you see in the world.

- Don’t blame others, all are lessons and teachers, look internally (reflection)

- Choose what you invest your energy in. Regardless of whether you send a situation approval or opposition you are powering it. Turn away and focus on what you want to create.

- Become the Soul (sole) authority, one and only responsible for your life.

Most importantly, Live with LOVE, it is the greatest Power of all!


If you'd like to work with me to heal physically or emotionally please reach out.

A) The Phoenix Program

Are you struggling to heal trauma and low self worth? The Phoenix Program is Personal one on one Spiritual Coaching built around your needs, encompassing energy healing, spiritual coaching, angelic guidance and physical healing through Medical Medium.

B) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

C) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, for simple spirituality and healing,

please sign up to my blog here or join me on youtube, tiktok, facebook or instagram

Happy new year!

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted spiritual coach whose purpose is to guide and support you in rising from the ashes of trauma and low self worth to be reborn. Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through

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