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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

Standing strong in chaotic times

17 May 2023

There are powerful winds of change sweeping through right now and this energy can feel chaotic.

In this time of rapid change and uncertainty we need to become a giant tree. Deeply routed to the Earth, branches swaying and flowing with the winds of change but firmly present and powerful.

On Saturday, May 20th in Australia we have a new moon in the sign of Taurus.

Taurus brings us the beautiful opportunity to connect deeply with nature, to feel the natural rhythms of our earthly mother and to reconnect to allow her to soothe and heal us.

Planting seeds in earthy Taurus energy

As with all new moons, this is a strong time of new beginnings. What seeds of intention are you planting into this earthy Taurus energy?

Jupiter and Pluto square

A key component of this Taurus new moon energy is the Jupiter and Pluto square.

Jupiter, planet of expansion

Although Jupiter brings expansion, success and recognition in it’s highest vibration, it’s job is also to inflate any problems we have, so we become aware of them and can fix them.

Food inflation and demand

Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and during this Taurus New Moon we can expect to see it expanding any issues we have with food and agriculture production.

Natural resources, land, food production, agriculture will come into focus. We are already seeing price inflation for good organic food, but there will also be an increase in demand and understanding of how important good healthy food is.

Pluto, planet of secrets

As Pluto represents secrets, corruption and lack of integrity in Government and corporations, science and technology may likely be brought into the open.

Bodies being dug up

Jupiter represents our beliefs and Taurus our values. During this energy there may be a lot of secrets spilling out, and this can be challenging to our beliefs and values. We may see issues within the financial sector being exposed as we have seen banks collapsing. This could increase the value of precious earth minerals, (Taurus energy) gold and silver.

Flood of Mental health issues

Many people may be feeling overwhelmed as the widespread corruption is exposed. There could be a rise in mental illness as people feel like it’s all too much, and they are completely swept away with no firm footing.

If you are feeling overwhelmed please reach out.

Energy Healing for grounding

If you need help with releasing energy blockages so you can become more grounded, CONTACT ME HERE FOR AN ENERGY HEALING session in person in Byron Bay, or remotely worldwide.

Grounding is going to be essential as we traverse this New Moon and the rest of the month of May which could be chaotic with a lot of sudden changes and revelations.

If these changes feel difficult, remember that change is necessary. All that no longer serves your highest good must crumble so you can rebuild from a stable foundation.

FREE Grounding Meditation

To help you with grounding I have a very powerful FREE grounding meditation for you today. Practice this regularly to become more grounded and secure so you can withstand the chaotic changes that must happen for the birth of New Earth.

Watch meditation here

Why is grounding so important?

Our connection to the earth is vital for our health and wellbeing. We are not separate from the earth but rather we are a part of her, and when we consciously reconnect to the earth we can receive healing.

Healing from the earth

The Earth is a massive reservoir of free electrons. Without a connection to this reservoir, the cells in our body are unable to balance the charge of electron-deficient free radicals. Free radicals cause aging and oxidative stress. When we ground we receive free electrons from the Earth.

Our environment is full of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, from computers, mobiles etc. This radiation induces voltages in our bodies, disrupting the trillions of subtle electrical communications which are a vital part of the function of our body's systems. By being grounded to the Earth we greatly reduce the levels of these induced voltages.

The effect of grounding on the blood

One of the most dramatic demonstrations of the benefits of grounding is the effect it has on the blood.

Dr Stephen Sinatra MD took these blood samples during research into grounding. These darkfield microscope images of blood taken from three individuals just before and after forty minutes of grounding, clearly show a dramatic thinning and decoupling of the blood cells. (left-before, right-after)

If you’d like more grounding ideas, please read my previous post here

Even in the midst of the chaos we have so much to be thankful for.

Simple pleasures

Taurus energy brings us back to gratitude for the simple things. A warm blanket on a rainy day. A grounding cup of nettle tea and a good book in bed. An autumn walk to admire the fiery colours of the leaves.

Make room in your life to enjoy these beautiful treats and connect to the earths deeply healing energy this new moon.


A) The Phoenix Program

Are you struggling to heal trauma and low self worth? The Phoenix Program is Personal one on one Spiritual Coaching built around your needs, encompassing energy healing, spiritual coaching, angelic guidance and physical healing through Medical Medium.

B) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

C) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, to heal trauma and rebuild self worth,

please sign up to my blog here or join me on youtube, tiktok, facebook or instagram

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted spiritual coach whose purpose is to guide and support you in rising from the ashes of trauma and low self worth to be reborn. Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through

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