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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

Samhain Spirit Whispers

23 April 2022

Hi everyone, I wanted to let you know about the upcoming Sabbat day, Samhain on this Saturday, 30 April. This is a traditional day of celebration observed by many pagan (nature based) cultures around the world for many thousands of years. Although we have mostly forgotten our innate connection to the seasons and to nature in our modern world when we return to these old ways, to this rich connection with the Earth we are able to tune in to the energy that is present for us and connect more deeply with spirit.

Supercharged energy portal

This Saturday, 30th April until 5 May we are entering a powerful window of opportunity, firstly because of the spinning wheel of the seasons marking Samhain, but this portal is made even stronger because of the Taurus new moon solar eclipse falling on this Sabbat!! Wow! There is so much happening! In this article I just want to talk about Samhain and what it represents but will also post about the solar eclipse and the astrological influences at play in a separate article.

Samhain: summers end or deep Autumn

This is the point from where we progress into the darkest part of the year. Many cultures celebrate the turning of the seasons and mark the sabbat points as a time of festivity. The Sabbats are eight key turning points of the seasons as marked by Celtic, Germanic, Egyptian and Latin mythology. Samhain is the exact halfway point between the autumn equinox and winter solstice. As this is a celebration of the seasons In the Southern hemisphere we celebrate Samhain in May, while in the northern hemisphere Samhain would be celebrated in October.

The thinning of the veil between dimensions

Nowdays modern life has disconnected us from feeling our innate connection to nature and Earth but this is a recent way of living. For thousands of years mankind understood their direct connection to Earth and all that is and observed the changing of seasons as part of the great cycle of life. This period is a time when the veil between the spirit world and ours is thinned and we can more easily connect with past loved ones. Samhain is marked as a time to remember past loved ones and honour ancestors and as a powerful time for ancestoral healing.

Work with this Energy:

1. Commemorate past loved ones: Spend time in meditation to connect and communicate, offer prayers and blessings, reminiscence over family photos and light candles for past loved ones. The veil between the spirit world and the physical world is thinned at this time and communicating with past loved ones is easier now.

2. Show gratitude: This is known as a time of final harvest before we enter the darkness of winter. We are encouraged to show gratitude for all we have been blessed with.

3. Death and Rebirth: It is also a time of rest and reflection, honouring what was as it makes way for what will be. Samhain is noted as a time where the old is dying and we honour what was as it has led us to where we are now and understand that death comes just before rebirth in the cycle of life. Just as the beautiful autumn trees drop their bright foliage to direct energy inwards for the new growth that will emerge later we can also go inwards to examine what no longer serves us. Ask yourself what you wish to let go of at this time. In this time of death and rebirth what old ways of being do you understand need to die out in your life?

4. Autumn colours: Mark the turning of the wheel by enjoying the beautiful blaze of autumn leaves. In Melbourne I would make a journey to Mount Dandenong or Bright to enjoy the splendour of nature. In the northern rivers area it’s harder to find these autumn hues but you can make a day trip to New England national park and visit Tenterfield, Uralla or Armidale.

5. Bonfire: I am of Irish descent and in Celtic traditions this occasion is marked by bonfire, burning up the old to make way for the new. You can write the old habits or things you wish to release onto pieces of paper and burn them symbolically in the bonfire while asking the angels to help you to release these.

6. Traditional celebrations: Visit Australias standing stones and enjoy the Celtic festival in Glenn Innes. This festival, a 3hr drive from Byron Bay, offers lots of fun celtic traditions to get you into a festive Samhain Spirit.

Look out for another article about the Taurus New moon solar eclipse also happening on Saturday 30 April which will amplify this energy.

However you wish to celebrate I wish you blessings for the year ahead.

I hope you find this helpful. If you would like some assistance on your healing journey you can connect with me below.

Choose the service that best suits you

A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing


A) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you are interested in learning more about spiritual traditions and daily spiritual practices please sign up to my blog here or join me on facebook or instagram.

Sending you love and light

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through

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