28 November 2021
Bethdesda-House of Grace

I was inspired to write this post because Spirit spoke to me in meditation about Bethesda. This was such an unusual word that it really caught my attention and I asked what this is about. In Jerusalem there was a pool called Bethesda, which means “house of Grace”. It was believed that the angels stirred the waters there and that if you entered the water when this happened you would be healed. The sick would gather there and hope for a chance to heal. For tens of years a sick man had sat by the side of the pool waiting for a miracle until one day he was admonished by Jesus who told him ‘get up and walk’ and he was miraculously healed. Healing is an active pursuit and not a passive activity. The pool symbolises our subconscious. It is where our deepest fears and traumas lie submerged and where our unconscious thought patterns and beliefs stem from. There is a saying ‘still waters run deep’. Are you sitting by the pool hoping for a miracle? Spirit is telling us that it is up to us to dive into this pool and when we do miraculous healing can occur. It is time to stir the waters and submerge ourselves in their depths. When we make the unconscious conscious we bring light to it and that is how we heal and transform ourselves.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate” - Carl Jung
The degree to which your unconscious is directing your life is dependent upon the level of your self-awareness. Most people are operating at a level of just 5% of conscious awareness and the overwhelming remaining percentage of their actions, thoughts and emotions stem from the unconscious 95%.
Top 10 tips to increase your consciousness:

1. Daily meditation: Set aside 20 mins to an hour each day to meditate. Meditation is the practice of tuning in to listen to the guidance from Spirit and God. It is most beneficial to do this in the morning because the state of calm it induces will then be taken with you into the day. Like all things meditation takes practice so be willing to work at it daily.
2. Prayer: Prayer is the practice of actively talking to God and Spirit. Build and strengthen your relationship through engaging in dialogue. You can call upon the assistance of your angels and team in spirit too. Remember that angels have free will. To invoke their help you must call upon them audibly. This can be a soft as a whisper but you must speak the words as angels want to see a commitment from you to the relationship and do not want to sort through all of the thoughts in your head to see if you are genuinely asking for help. A heartfelt prayer is always answered, but not necessarily in the way that you expect or immediately, but in divine timing you are given all that you need.

3. Detoxing: Clear out your physical vessel to sharpen your physic senses. Toxins and heavy metals present in our food and environment have the effect of dulling our senses. Chemicals and fluoride added to our water work to calcify our pineal gland, which is the centre of our physic sight. Processed food carries a low vibration and when we eat that food we assimilate that frequency. High vibrational foods are raw and living foods such as fruit and vegetables, leafy greens and sprouts. Incorporate as many of these as possible into your diet and include 12 glasses of filtered water with half a lemon added daily to help your liver to process toxins and detox.
4. Become the observer: All people we meet in our lives are there as teachers. Examine your interactions with people daily. When you find yourself feeling challenged or reacting to a person or situation step back. Become the observer of the emotion instead of embodying that emotion. Instead of placing the blame on the other person as the perpetrator of the disagreement and taking on the role of the victim ask instead ‘why did what they say rile me up so much? What is the way I reacted to them tell me? What does this point to that requires healing in me?’

5. Journaling: A great practice to increase mindfulness is journaling. Write about what you are feeling, the small encounters you have had throughout the day and how you reacted to them. In time you will begin to notice a pattern and this will help you to decipher where you need to focus on releasing negativity and trauma.
6. Release work: When you have identified an area of trauma or an out-dated belief in you that needs to be released it can only be transmuted through your awareness. Firstly do not be judgmental of your reaction or the emotion. Allow yourself to feel it, the pain, the rage, the sadness whatever it is and then ask the angels to take it. You can also release it yourself by allowing it to flow through you. You can visualise it as an electric current running through your body and out through your feet and into the earth to be transmuted. As you become more adept at this you will actually feel this happening.

7. Dream interpretation: Your subconscious mind speaks to you through dreams and unresolved issues are shown to us here. Before you go to sleep ask the angel of dreams to speak to you in your dreams and to help you to remember your dreams and decipher them. Write down any poignant dreams in your journal and research them in a dream dictionary online. I find Aunty Flo to be a good online resource. https://www.auntyflo.com
8. Reframing: We all come across obstacles or challenges on our path. The truth is these challenges are there to help us to grow. Instead of saying ‘why is this happening to me?’ ask ‘what is this trying to teach me?’ Each situation has a gift for us but we can only integrate that wisdom if we are willing to do the hard introspective work that comes with it.

9. Energy healing: Energy healing is an instant way to boost your connection to Source. If you are finding it hard to release something or need some help with suppressed trauma booking an energy healing session can help. The healer is able to tap into your energy field to withdraw stagnant and blocked energy allowing fresh energy from Source to flow in which brings you into a state of peace.
10.Taking inspired action: We are spiritual beings in physical form and as such we must take action both spiritually and physically. Listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Observe synchronicities in your life. Be alert for nudges from Spirit. At this time we are being asked to make physical changes in order to manifest the new earth. It is time to begin networking with like-minded people. Form communities and focus on what it is you are being called to offer. What specific skill do you have to contribute to the new earth? Are you a teacher who can help educate kids in a new system, which is being created now? Do you love to grow vegetables? Can you teach others to do this? There are so many different aspects that will come together to create this new paradigm and each of us is unique with different passions and skills to contribute that are so needed.
Message from Archangel Metatron:
‘Your inner state of being is mirrored by the world around you and so your inner work is essential is shifting the lower vibrational state of the world. Your work in consciousness is essential through prayer, meditation, release work and preparation but this is not all that is required. Remember we are spiritual beings in physical form and so physical action is also required. The steps you need to take will come to you through meditation or intuitive guidance as you clear out and become more open to receive, and this work will help you to remain in a state of love, not fear as you do the work to change the harsh aspects of the present physical reality. Be present. Clear our fear and negativity still residing in you so that you can align with the ascension path of full awareness. Love even your challenges because they help you to grow so you can receive the gift within the challenge. When a challenge presents itself instead of asking ‘why me’ instead ask ‘Why this challenge now? What is the blessing in this challenge?’ This helps you to grasp the gifts within the challenges. Cleansing out is not something we do once and are finished with but something we return to often.’
Archangel Metatron-channelled by Melanie Beckler
If you would like some help releasing energy blockages please reach out here. I am based in the beautiful northern rivers area of Byron Bay and offer in person sessions or remote healing sessions interstate or across the world.
If you are interested in learning more about spiritual traditions and daily spiritual practices please sign up to my blog here or join me on facebook or instagram.
Sending you love and light
xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through
#makingtheunconsciousconscious #healing #energyhealing #spiritualgrowth #flamekeeper #theflamekeeper #Bethesda #meditation #spiritualpractices #raisingconsciousness #raiseyourvibration #frequencyshift