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How art can Heal you: Spiritual artwork and ltd edition prints available

Writer's picture: Nicoleen AgnelloNicoleen Agnello

24 January 2024

We’ve all experienced seeing a beautiful painting and feeling something stirring within us, or listening to a song and having our spirit lifted. Art has a remarkable effect on your emotion.

What’s not commonly recognised is that Art is actually a valuable tool to shift energy blockages and help you achieve greater peace and ease in your own life.

Today I have a New Range of Spiritual Artwork and ltd edition prints available  to share with you, as well as some insight on how you can use art to heal yourself.

Spirit flies over the ocean

'Spirit Murmur' by Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Original oil on canvass $1200. Ltd edition prints ready to ship from $100-$550.

God is an Artist

We call God the Creator, yet we rarely think to literally apply the role of artist to him! He is a visionary, able to create anything from the space where there was nothing but pure potential.

Your life is a blank canvas

You are made in his image, and as such you have the ability to create too. We are all co-creators with the Universe, some of us consciously, some unconsciously. What are you choosing to create in your life?


As an artist myself, I cannot take sole ownership of my creations. They are co creations, simply God’s creative energy flowing through me.

Create your own world

One of the ways I love to express myself is through art. Ever since I was a small child I would find solace in drawing and creating. It was my escape from an environment which could be unpredictable and harsh. I created my own world. Art has the power to do that.

The time in the middle, the space between

In my mid 30s for 10 years I was very ill, mostly bed bound and in severe daily pain and exhaustion. I spent a lot of time in the space between.


Between the sheets, between breaths, between wakefulness and sleep. I was a fringe dweller, lingering in the land that belonged neither to the dead nor the living. The luminal space between dimensions where Spirits and Angels roam unseen amongst the living.


Unintentionally I lived in a state of deep meditation, the space of pure potentiality, the zero point field from which everything arises. As the 3d physical world faded, the spiritual realm came into focus, and I began to receive an influx of spiritual information.


As a small child I had been able to see and communicate with the Angels, but in my 20s repressed trauma prevented me from accessing these senses. However, as my body began to shut down and physical senses diminished, my spiritual senses became sharper.


How I began painting

Science notes that if one sense becomes impaired, such as sight, another becomes more developed such as hearing. As my clairvoyance increased I began sketching my visions in journals and on scraps of paper, squirrelling away countless messages in cardboard boxes.


Disorientated in the haze of my illness I lost so much. My job, my friends, my ability to walk or talk properly, to read or do the simplest things. I needed direction, something to keep me going and an escape from the daily pain and exhaustion, so I began painting.

elegant woman in victorian dress underwater

'The etiquette of drowning' b Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Ltd edition Prints ready to ship from $100-$550

With every brush stroke the anger and rage, the sadness and the pain flowed out of my body and took form on the page instead, and with it the cathartic release I felt was incredible.


Those early paintings were so dark, yet they moved strangers to tears. They were so relatable. People told me ‘this is how I feel, but I can’t express it. Thank you.’


Painting literally saved my life and it has become something I relie on to express myself.

Express yourself creatively to release energy blockages

You don’t need to be a painter to access this power. Any form of creative expression will help you to move stagnant energy out of your body. You may choose to draw, cook, sing, write or dance! Perhaps you could make pottery or garden or create jewellery.


There are so many ways to express yourself, and as you do so you begin to allow that repressed and painful energy to move through you.

Pure energy artwork available

Having dug so deeply to release so much myself, I am so grateful because now I can channel high vibrational messages from Spirit.


My artworks are pure energy creations. I receive visions from Spirit, which I allow to flow through me as channelled paintings. Today I am excited to share with you my current collection of unique channelled artwork. New range of Original High frequency Channeled artworks and Ltd edition prints

I have created a range of very special limited edition prints available in a range of sizes to suit your space! If you’re looking for something special for your meditation space, lounge room or bedroom that will uplift the energy and set the tone for your space then take a look.

beautiful woman tree deeply rooted

'Spiritual Growth' by Nicoleen Flamekeeper.

Original Acrylic on Canvas $1200. Ltd edition prints ready to ship from $100-$550.

Limited edition prints from $100-$550

Whatever your wall space or budget you can find an option to suit. Limited edition prints start from as little as $100 for an A4 up to $550 for an extra large A0 print. Prints are hand signed and editioned by me, and printed on high quality watercolour textured stock. They are unframed for easy shipping all over the world and make great gifts or a special treat for yourself!


Original Paintings Available

There is also a select few original Paintings available! If you are looking for something extra special please check out my gallery.


These artworks would suit so many décor schemes. There are vibrant blue beachy artworks which bring the ocean into your home. These look great with Beachy, boho, boho luxe, coastal or Hamptons style.

There are earthy artworks that will make your space bloom. Whether you are after country, rustic, earthy or ocean vibes there is something available. If you’re a wellbeing or natural therapist these spiritual artworks would also be a perfect accent to a yoga centre, wellness centre, counselling, naturopath, phycologist or natural healing space.

You can also commission a brand new energy artwork for yourself! Email me to start chatting about this here.

If you want to create an oasis of calm and peace in your home or sacred space have a look and be inspired!


1:1 coaching to heal trauma and rebuild self confidence

A) The Phoenix Program

Transform from trauma, regain your self confidence and heal. Experience true transformation in your health, relationships, and life circumstance through private 1:1 coaching. Book a FREE Breakthrough Call to gain clarity about what is holding you back.

herbs and natural supplements

B) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? A health consult shows you the root cause of your most puzzling and persistent health problems, and how to heal them naturally with medical medium protocols. Available in person or online.

beautiful massage table with candles

C) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


For more on how to transform from trauma, rekindle your self confidence and heal

join my blog or socials youtube, tiktok, facebook or Instagram

xxx Nicoleen

The Flamekeeper

Nicoleen the Flamekeeper

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper. She is an empath empowerment coach who is here to help you transform trauma into rocket fuel for your soul! Nicoleen offers personal 1:1 coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She also offers in person or remote energy healings and in person or online health consultations to heal chronic and mystery health conditions naturally through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create high vibrational art for sale.

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