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Heal rejection by being your weird and wonderful self!

Writer's picture: Nicoleen AgnelloNicoleen Agnello

25 July 2024

With the recent Full Moon in Capricorn there is a huge amount of energy that is seeking to reveal authenticity!


You are being encouraged to let go of restrictions that society has placed upon you, and who you believed you needed to be in order to survive in the world, in favour of reclaiming your power to heal rejection by being who you truly are!

how can i heal rejection

It’s only through embracing your uniqueness that you can truely know yourself, and when you know yourself you can heal rejection and master your energy!


Let me tell you a story to explain what I mean. When I considered hosting my first group event in Northern Rivers just 2 months ago I had many challenges to overcome.


Rejection and judgement as a child by those closest to me had taught me that who I was was not interesting or important and that my needs didn’t matter. I needed to hide my weirdness and try and fit in if I wanted anyone to accept me.


I needed to try and be more like those popular girls who talked about body creams and went to discos and kissed boys instead of lying in the long grass with tangled hair escaping into the clouds.


When I began to consider that I might share some of my unique passions with the world, I was scared, but also determined. I felt that nobody was interested in speaking to angels and learning about energy and certainly nobody cared about the spiritual and healing properties of herbs, only me!


I pushed on regardless, but I did so without proper consideration of my ego and so just two days before the first event my ego orchestrated a freak accident.


One morning as I was boiling potatoes I absentmindedly popped one straight from the pot into my mouth where it promptly stuck in my throat burning me severely!


Becoming infected, I couldn’t swallow, sip or eat anything, was in agony and couldn’t speak at all. My event was in just 2 days! What the hell was I to do?


I realised this was an incredibly literal translation of my throat chakra blockage! I was being shown my fear that I wasn’t allowed to speak up and express who I was.


There is a tendency to see the ego as a dog that needs to be beaten into obedience. This cruelty is counterproductive. When your ego imposes limitations upon you it is because it is trying to protect you.


Somewhere deep inside of me was a small child saying ‘hey, don’t reveal who you really are, you’re going to be made fun of again, it’s not safe’.


The path to rapid healing was to embrace my inner child and acknowledge her fears were valid.


I needed to admit this happened in the past, say I’m sorry, I promise I’m not going to abandon you. No matter what happens, whether there are 2 or ten others to witness this, or whether it’s just you and me, I’m here for you and we will heal rejection together.


This was the path that allowed me to heal my throat in just 2 days so I could go ahead with my women’s circle, when a Dr had said it would be a week before I could speak.


This second full moon in Capricorn is the last full moon in that sign and has been the closing of a chapter. Pluto moves out of Capricorn for good on the 19 Nov, and will not be back in that sign for another 240 years!


This embracing of my own weirdness, my unique brand of magic has led me to form new connections that are already nourishing to my soul!


Today a new friend who I dared to allow to see my witchiness brought me a spectacular gift! A dandelion puff in jar, because I had shared with her that I didn’t have true dandelions in my garden, and that I would love to grow them so I could harvest my own for dandy tea! She said ‘nobody else gets excited about this stuff, it’s a weed, but YOU do, and I do too’!


When I take that dandelion outside I’ll make a wish that I can embody even more of my true self! Perhaps you may like to make that wish too!


X Nicoleen


PS: Thank you to the beautiful souls that joined me at the Capricorn Full Moon event on Saturday! If you’re keen to join us sometime my next event is the Lions Gate Gathering on 9 Aug from 6.30-8.30pm in Tintenbar.  Yes I’ll be bringing all my weirdness! There will be herbal magic, mediation, energy teaching and connecting with Atlantean energy. I’ll share more details soon.


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A) Spiritual Art

My artworks are pure energy creations, received as visions from Spirit, channelled as paintings. View my new range of Original High frequency Channeled artworks and Ltd edition prints to uplift the energy of your space.

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B) The Phoenix Program

Transform from trauma, regain your self confidence and heal. Experience true transformation in your health, relationships, and life circumstance through private 1:1 coaching. Book a FREE Breakthrough Call to gain clarity about what is holding you back.

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C) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? A health consult shows you the root cause of your most puzzling and persistent health problems, and how to heal them naturally with medical medium protocols. Available in person or online.

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D) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


For more on how to transform from trauma, rekindle your self confidence and heal

join my blog or socials youtube, tiktok, facebook or Instagram

xxx Nicoleen

The Flamekeeper

Nicoleen Flamekeeper

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper. She is a Holistic Healing coach who is here to help you transform trauma into rocket fuel for your soul! Nicoleen offers personal 1:1 coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She also offers in person or remote energy healings and in person or online health consultations to heal chronic and mystery health conditions naturally through the medical medium protocol. She facilitates regular group events, meditations, womens circles and foraging and herbal workshops in Byron bay, Australia. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create ltd edition spiritual art prints and original paintings for sale.

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