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Writer's pictureNicoleen Agnello

Full Moon Musings

5 December 2022

Another year is nearing it’s end and the Full Moon on Wednesday Dec 7th is all about reflection, asking us to look at all we have been shown and where we have been challenged this year.

Traditionally full moons are time for letting go and releasing what no longer serves you. This is true for this full moon but there is a much deeper feeling of inner reflection that comes with this full moon.

It is asking us to really sit with our feelings and to honour them instead of just discarding or releasing them as there is a deeper truth to be found. As we approach the end of the year it is a good time to reflect on how your year has been.

What goals did you set that you were able to accomplish? Honour what you

have accomplished!

Where do you feel you could have made better choices in the way you responded to challenges you have faced?

How are you choosing to respond to the challenges you are facing?

With Mars in retrograde this full moon and Mercury soon to join it you may be feeling quite frustrated and angry.

Mars retrograde questions your motivation for why you do what you do. Ask yourself how am I choosing to spend my energy around the challenges I face? Could I use it in a more productive way?

When we hold onto emotions and traumas without allowing ourselves to feel them we store them in our bodies.

These traumas and emotions don’t go away, they create energy blockages and take up space within us, preventing us from having the room for anything new or more beneficial to flow in.

You can’t move past trauma, you have to move through it. You have to allow yourself to feel what you have been repressing, the pain, the grief, the anger, the hurt all need to be felt and validated before they can be released.

If you feel like you need help releasing energy blockages within you please contact me for an energy healing.

There is great power in reflection at this time.

If you are wondering why a pattern seems to be repeating or you haven’t been able to let go of something it’s important to take a deeper look at it.

Go within. Ask why is this thing triggering me? What are the deeper lessons behind what this is trying to teach me.

One step forward, two steps back is still progress forward!

Often when we look back at our mistakes we are harshly critical and unloving but this is a flawed perception and judgement.

Love yourself for turning up each day, even when it’s hard and things seem like they aren’t going well, you are still here trying and learning.

Honour that you are moving forward just by being in awareness of where you feel you could have improved and don’t beat yourself up for it. Love yourself for it!

You are exactly where you need to be.

Allow joy to come into your life as you acknowledge you are in the perfect place to learn what you need to learn right now!

You aren’t lost in the desert, you have found your way to exactly where you need to be to learn and grow and that’s wonderful!

Forgive your past self for not knowing then what you know now.

The truth is if you hadn’t done those things or acted in the way that you are rebuking yourself for, you wouldn’t be where you are now!

Without the twists on the path that your past self took you would have ended up somewhere else completely. It is through trauma that we grow.

There is no obstacle in your path. The obstacle IS the path!

Be grateful to your past self; it’s because of them that you are where you are now!

Everyone is doing the best they can with the level of consciousness and awareness they are at, and this makes forgiving OTHERS easier… and forgiving YOURSELF easier too!


If you'd like to work with me to heal physically or emotionally please reach out.

Choose the service that best suits you

A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing


A) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, for simple spirituality and healing,

please sign up to my blog here or join me on youtube, tiktok, facebook or instagram

Sending you love and light

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through

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