26 April 2023
Is Trauma strangling you?
Trauma shuts you down and squashes your voice. When you are made to feel powerless, you feel you can’t express yourself. We feel unseen and unheard, our pain often goes unvalidated and we never get to voice our feelings.
Trauma silences us
This can happen for a number of different reasons. Perhaps it may be that it was the trauma happened as a small child, and you didn't have the words to express it at the time.
Perhaps nobody would listen to you. Others may have taken the abusers side. Narcisisit's are very good at getting others on side, or gaslighting you so that you begin to question your own reality.
It could be your needs were overlooked, those around you wouldn’t listen to you, because of their own guilt and complicity in what happened to you.
Perhaps you were threatened by your abuser to never speak up, and the tight fingers of fear have a stranglehold on your throat.

Trauma trapped in the throat chakra
Whenever we go through trauma and this remains unspoken, this suppressed emotion causes an energy blockage in the throat chakra.
In a moment I will share with you a powerful tool that has helped me to release trauma trapped in my throat chakra, but first let’s learn a little about the throat chakra and how it works.
Chakras regulate the flow of energy in your body. Running from the base of your spine to the top of your head, the seven main chakras correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs in your body.
The fifth chakra, the throat chakra is symbolised by the color blue. The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth.

When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it impacts your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health in countless ways.
Trapped energy leaves us susceptible to physical illness
It is my experience that the places in our physical body that energy is trapped are particularly prone to disease.
I experienced this myself recently when I had laryngitis. I lost my voice and when I contemplated why this was occurring and tapped into my emotions I felt a huge amount of rage deep within me.
When I examined it I discovered that the anger stemmed from childhood, when I had experienced sexual abuse as a small child. This little me had never had the opportunity to speak up and voice what had happened to her. Her voice had been silenced.
Yes laryngitis is a viral condition, but I knew I needed to treat this condition both energetically and physically. When I did this I was able to shift the energy and get my voice back within a day!
Once trauma has manifested in the physical as a health symptom, we need to take physical action in the form of diet and herbs to heal, but energy healing will assist to clear this energy, reduce the symptoms and make you less susceptible in future.
Can you recognise an energy blockage in your throat chakra as the any of following recurring symptoms?
• raspy voice • sore throat • mouth ulcers • hearing issues • nasal/sinus issues • tooth and gum disease • laryngitis • thyroid problems • jaw pain
Throat Chakra trauma creates emotional and spiritual scars
Do you struggle to voice your opinion? Do you struggle with low self worth or are you judgemental of others?
Are you challenged with any of these emotional and spiritual issues?
Emotional & spiritual:
• difficulty communicating own needs or desires • afraid to speak your truth • can’t express thoughts • anxious about communicating • emotional outbursts, dominating conversation or refusal to speak • highly critical of self and others • shy • poor listening • gossiping • blocked creativity • inability to sense subtle energies • disconnection from the divine and inner spirit
Voice your pain to heal
An important part of healing trauma is actually getting the opportunity to voice your pain.
You may not be able to say the things that you need to say to the person who was responsible for causing the trauma. Perhaps this person has died, or moved, or you no longer have a relationship with them.
In most cases trying to speak to a narcissitic abuser would be fruitless. They would become highly defensive and unapproachable.
The good news is your healing is not dependant on the other person validating your experience. You don’t need to be held back by the fact that they are not ready and willing to acknowledge what they did, and the damage they caused you.
Watch this video about the throat chakra and trauma here and then read below
Try this Powerful practice to Clear Trauma from the throat Chakra
1. Write a letter to your abuser. Don’t swallow your words! Swear, call them names, say every last thing you felt and experienced.
2. Put all your anger, pain, hatred, grief, shame and guilt into this letter. This is an opportunity for you to vent!
3. Now read your letter out aloud. As you do, the energy that you have been choking on will be released! Your voice will be heard, your emotions validated.
4. Don’t send the letter, burn it. In this way you can let go of the terrible pain, grief and anger that has been suppressed.
This is powerful throat chakra healing!
Other helpful tools for throat chakra clearing:
• Journaling:
Writing is also a means of self expression and can help you express emotions and reflect.
• Energy Healing: Book an energy healing HERE to release energy blockages from your throat chakra.
• Blue Crystals: Lapis lazuli, turquoise, aquamarine, and celestite help balance your throat chakra, especially when worn as a pendant.
• Herbs: lemon balm and catsclaw as a tea or tincture.
• Singing and speaking: Speak aloud to yourself or sing along to a favourite song. • Neck exercises:
Try yoga or stretching to relieve tension. • Hydration:
Aim for 3L of lemon water daily to improve your body functions.
• Archangel Gabriel: Call upon Archangel Gabriel to help you with self expression.
It is time to release the stranglehold trauma has on your life.

A) The Phoenix Program
Are you struggling to heal trauma and low self worth? The Phoenix Program is Personal one on one Spiritual Coaching built around your needs, encompassing energy healing, spiritual coaching, angelic guidance and physical healing through Medical Medium.

B) Health Consult
Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

C) Energy Healing
Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.
If you'd like some more hot tips for me, the Flamekeeper, to heal trauma and rebuild self worth,
xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted spiritual coach whose purpose is to guide and support you in rising from the ashes of trauma and low self worth to be reborn. Nicoleen offers personal one on one coaching through her transformative Phoenix Program. She is an energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings, personal coaching and consultations by appointment through www.theflamekeeper.com.au
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