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Be transformed under the Phoenix Blood Moon eclipse

Writer's picture: Nicoleen AgnelloNicoleen Agnello

Updated: May 13, 2022

13 May 2022

Did you know that eclipses always come in pairs? We had a solar eclipse on the new moon on the 30 April just a few weeks ago and now we are about to experience a blood Moon lunar eclipse on Monday, 16 May. This pair of eclipses create a gateway known as eclipse season. During this time you may expect to feel a lot of chaotic energy as with the influx of light anything that has been hiding in the shadows is shown to us.

I’ve personally been feeling really exhausted and stressed out, there always seems to be way too much to do and never enough time and I’m not finding a balance in my life. I will say that I’ve definitely been shown I need to make changes to my life in order to be able to keep going.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the full moon moves into the Earth’s shadow. This eclipse is called a blood moon because the moon will be reddish in colour. Direct sunlight is being blocked by the Earth, and the only light reaching it is sunlight refracted by Earth's atmosphere giving the moon a reddish color.

Surrender to divine flow

As you know full moons always represent closure and endings and when we have an eclipse this energy is amplified by a thousand! Expect to feel extra emotional. This happens to trigger us to let go and surrender. When we constrict and hold onto what doesn’t serve us, when we refuse to allow it to flow through us but try to hold on we experience pain. In order to make the most of the energy on offer to us it is important to release and allow what needs to to fall away. This can take the form of relationships, jobs, friendships and old ways of being and living. It is natural to resist change but try to remember that the Universe always has your best interests at heart. I am reminded that I was grieving a change I could see coming on my horizon and was told ‘don’t fight it if you don’t know what it is’. In other words I am being shown that I can’t see the full picture and yet I am so quick to judge and say that’s not for me, yet it could be the most perfect gift and exactly what I need. This energy will be present for at least 6 months of this year and 2022 has been marked as a tipping point. We can expect this year to be challenging but to bring us many profound transformations and whatever happens we can be sure that the old ways of being are being permanantly removed.

Burn what no longer serves you and arise anew form the ashes

This eclipse happens in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio carries a strong energy of transformation. The scorpion literally sheds its skin to become a new version of itself and this is an invitation to us to to become reborn too. Another symbol for Scorpio energy is the phoenix. The phoenix is burnt in the fires of transmutation but rises reborn majestic and pure. We to can rise like a phoenix from the ashes and emerge from any catastrophe stronger, smarter and more powerful.

A time of death and rebirth

Chrysallis photgraph by Rob Sheppard

This week I was given a vision of a chrysalis to explain the energy of what we are in the midst of right now. Imagine the torment, the trauma, the pain and fear the caterpillar experiences as it shuts itself off from the world. The caterpillar literally dissolves its own organs in a process of evolution which appears very much like death and yet there is supreme trust in the universe as it undergoes its transformation. How could it know when it is in the tight confines of it’s chrysalis that it would one day be reborn with so much grace, beauty and freedom? This miraculous transformation is available to us too when we trust that in the midst of our pain and tribulation we are being guided towards our souls evolution.

Breaking new ground

The second vision I received was dirt being broken and turned over. This image explains that we are being prepared for something new. It is time to turn the soil and use whatever old growth that no longer bears fruit as compost to nourish the new. We are indeed preparing for the new. Where in our lives is it time to begin something new? Lunar Eclipses are endings, at this time things that have served their purpose need to fall away. Don’t be surprised if there is some major change happening in your personal world right now as eclipses have a way of closing doors so we can be set upon our highest path. With this ending comes a new beginning. What are you being called to do next?

There is so much being purged, transformed and healed right now. In the past few weeks there has been a massive acceleration of coronal mass ejections from the sun. This is very challenging for us as the photonic light streams in with so much acceleration, lighting up all darkness we have been holding onto. Light is information, expect the next few months to reveal dark secrets, power and control struggles and toxity. All energy is dual in nature, just as there is an acceleration of our evolution in the highest vibration in the lowest vibration this means more destruction and demolition. Remind yourself this is not only necessary but desirable. We must first clear the site if we are to rebuild.

I hope you find this helpful. If you need some help with releasing what no longer serves please contact me below.

Choose the service that best suits you

A) Health Consult & B) Energy healing


A) Health Consult

Are you suffering with a chronic illness or condition? Through an analysis of your current symptoms and past medical history I am able to give you answers. A private 1 hr health consult is available in person or remotely.

B) Energy Healing

Do you need help shifting emotional pain and energy blockages? The healing flame burns up what no longer serves you to bring you into a state a bliss and alignment. Sessions conducted in person or remotely.


If you are interested in learning more about spiritual traditions and daily spiritual practices please sign up to my blog here or join me on facebook or instagram.

Sending you love and light

xxx Nicoleen

Nicoleen Agnello is the Flamekeeper, Guardian of love and light of the Universal Spirit. She is a divinely gifted energy healer who practices medical astronomy (also known as the reconnection) for healing and offers health consultations through the medical medium protocol. She is a professional artist who uses her clairvoyance to create highly spiritual art for sale. Nicoleen offers private healings and consultations by appointment through



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